Happy New Year to Everyone! Wishing all of you peace and comfort in 2024, a lot of inspirations and personal creativity!
Special thanks to my all of my students and Photo2Paint members. I appreciate your constant support which motivates me for new explorations in digital photo painting techniques to share with you.
Here is my Roadmap for the new courses and ideas for the the coming year. If you have your suggestions for any improvements of existing course or adding a new app course, please comment in this post below.
- Rebelle 7 – this is Windows and Mac painting app with super realistic brushes. Rebelle got a recent update with cool new features and brushes. It also has a Tracing feature which allows to trace-paint from a photo on new layer with beautiful brushstrokes. Course launch planned by Jan 20.
- iArtbook – this will be the major update of existing course of iArtbook app for iPad. During the last few months iArtbook updated its app in terms of brush settings and interface. This created some misleads and confusions for the existing course. I will update the lessons concerned the app settings and brushes. Planned for February – after the Rebelle course launch.
- iColorama – I know there were some changes in iColorama since I made the course on this app. The changes are minor and mostly concern the tabs design in user interface. All main tools and features remain the same. I will make new lesson within existing course featuring these changes. But the bulk of the course will stay the same.
- Realistic Paint Studio – very nice painting app for iPad. It does paint with super realistic brush strokes of watercolor, oil, pastel. However, I found a way how to paint from photos by using this app. That’s what will teach you in this course.
- Adobe Fresco – interesting app for iPad. And it is actually free. You don’t need to subscribe for Adobe plan to use this app unless you need to acquire some special features. I recently explored that Adobe Fresco’s smudge brushes work pretty well to paint on images and turn photos into painting. Of course, this requires certain adjustments in brush settings and this is what I will teach you in this course.
- Photoshop Art History Brushes – I think that Art History Brush Tool (AHB) in Photoshop has been underestimated by many people. In contrary, AHB is very powerful tool for photo painting. In this course, I will share with you my custom-made AHB brushes and my entire workflow on how to get the best painting results out of this wonderful tool.
- Hue Paint, Art of Weird – these are two painting apps for iPad which I recently found out. They are from the same developer and have similar user interface. However, they differ in the types of brushes. Hue Paint has oil paint brushes and Art of Weird has kind of crayon/pastel brushes. What captivate me in these apps is the feature to trace photos/images with the brushes so you could create painting from image on a new empty layer. I will dig into the brush settings to create a course on this technique.
- Corel Painter – one of the most powerful and well-known painting software. They have industry-leading brushes and many other useful features. For photo painting techniques, Corel Painter provides photo tracing feature both in manual and auto mode. Any brush in Corel Painter can be turned into tracing brush. In my course, I will share with you my brushes and settings which would enable you to turn images to piece of art with Corel Painter.
- AI Art – AI image generators are evolving so fast that it is hard to trace them all. Text-to-Image generation has become a common feature for tons of apps. However, the photo to paint transformation via AI still require a lot of development. The main issue that AI would interpret the photo on its own way during the transformation process and would change many details on the final output. I explored many AI apps already and have listed to myself the ones which are most suitable for photo to paint art. I will dive deeper on this and could come up with a full course by mid of this year. If you have any suggestions on AI apps you use for photo to paint transformation – please let me know in the comments to this post so I could look into them to include in the course.
- iPad to Mac Apps – many of you use iPad and Mac as a companion for you creative works. But not all of you know that some artistic apps which you purchased or installed on iPad can also work on Mac (M1, M2 chips). In my course, I will share with you the painting apps from iPad which work on Mac and how to use them.
- DAP 7 (Dynamic Auto Painter) – this is my love for 20 years. I’ve been using DAP probably from its first version. Unfortunately, it is still a Windows PC software and the developer (www.mediachance.com) have no plans for Mac or iOS devices. However, DAP is one of the best computer software to automatically turn photos into paintings. As many other programs, you need to look under the hood of its settings in order to achieve the best painting result. I think I shall pay a respect to this wonderful soft and make a course on it.
- How to sell your digital art – while exploring all the apps and programs for photo painting, I’ve been making tons of art from my photos. At some point, I started to post them on websites which turn them into physical printed products and deliver to the customers. Today, I’ve got from 5 to 10 images purchased from me every week. I think I can share my experience and give some advises on selling digital art online in one of my courses.
- Your suggestion – I will be adding other apps in my list of courses as they show up. I would also appreciate your suggestions on the app which I missed here. Please provide your comments below.
Thank you for the email and so much to look forward to in the new year. I so enjoy your lessons. They are clear and precise and always looking forward to new ones, etc. I see a review of the old ones will be very good to do also. Interesting to learn how to perhaps sell some of my digital art. Once again I look forward to all the courses.
Many thanks Janet. I’ve always been a great supporter. I may shift the sell your art course a bit closer as it is a hot topic. Although, I wouldn’t call it a course but more as my personal experience and advice.
Your videos are amazing and unique. Keep up the great work. One method I have been using is Photoshop Actions plugins. There are many options but Profactions Urban Sketch is one of the best!
Thanks, Alan. And thank you for reminding me about PS actions. I was going to include this course but missed it indeed ))). I’m using various actions, especially from Sevenstyles and Profaction. I will definitely do a tut on that.
Beyond excited and looking forward to all your new classes and updates. I immensely enjoy your teaching and classes. Going to be an exciting year.
Thanks Kathi, I’m sure this will be an exciting year!
HAPPY NEW YEAR to you too Yuri! Thanks for all your excellent and fun tutorials, I’m looking forward to what sounds like a very interesting year ahead with all your new lessons, especially, how to sell art-works online.